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I recently came across these words - “Relational generosity - introducing two people to one another for their mutual benefit - is the richest form of giving. The willingness to use our influence to bring together two or more people for the sake of a growing relationship can be a fruitful investment for all.” Boyd Bailey shared these words in a devotional entitled Relational Generosity. He went on to say, “Relational generosity is a catalyst for God’s will because Jesus works through people.” It is certainly true that we can go further, faster with the right people around us.


Ross Mason, the Founder of HINRI, is one of these people for Jacob’s Ladder—HINRI has indeed helped us go further, faster on more than a few occasions. At times this came in the form of helping to crystalize a vision for the organization. Other times, it was walking with us through various organizational trials.


Ross served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for eight years. Under his leadership, and with the support of HINRI, Jacob’s Ladder formed a robust board of directors, which was later successful in securing funding from the Woodruff Foundation as well as other large Atlanta private foundations, enabling us to meet our $2 million capital campaign goal. This was our first major initiative. HINRI and Jacob’s Ladder went on to partner on two additional capital campaigns. One of these campaigns included the introduction of a strategic partner, allowing for the use of a beautiful 13-acre church property which later became our North Atlanta Jacob’s Ladder Campus. Additionally, in two separate instances, HINRI introduced Jacob’s Ladder to professional groups that together provided over $350,000 of pro bono work, offering critical assistance for the organization at much needed times. The HINRI team also assisted with introductions in the technology field, as Jacob’s Ladder embarked on converting 25 years of work into a digital, sharable format allowing for the training of others and enhanced student care. All of these examples of help and assistance were graciously donated to us during times of critical need.


Jacob’s ladder is beyond grateful for the care, support, and assistance that HINRI has so unselfishly provided to Jacob’s Ladder through the years. From a Founder’s standpoint—the ability to carry out the organizational mission has been completely dependent on the loving acts of generosity of so many people. Ross and HINRI ignited much of this love, care and generosity in their willingness to share their relational wealth.


We are grateful.


-- Amy O’Dell, Founder of Jacob’s Ladder

Amy O'Dell giving the keynote address at the 2018 HINRI Vision Summit, introduced by Ross Mason.

Forbes article from May, 2008

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